Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Why? Live, Laugh, Love God?

It just occurred to me that I haven't explained why I named my blog "Live, Laugh, Love God." I'm sure many of you are familiar with the first part - a popular saying nowadays, and self explanatory. I added God to my phrase to remind the world that we all have been given a precious gift... our life. Regardless of the circumstances that brought us into this world, God knew what He was doing when He created each and every one of us, and there is a God-given purpose for each of us. Psalm 139 (one of my favorites) tells us: "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be..." God planned for us, even if we weren't planned for by man. And with that is a miraculous and wonderful purpose for us to seek and find. Live your lives as God wishes you to live them. Laugh often, because you are loved by God and H e wishes for your happiness. Give your worries and your heartache to Him. And love each other as God loves you - completely and unconditionally!!


Nikki Dorr said...

Love you honey! I'm so proud of the beautiful woman you have become and I know He will be doing a work in you and your heart to make you more like Him. Here's a new favorite of mine, Zephaniah 3:17 - He adores you!
Nik :)

Jessica said...

Loving the blog!!