Wednesday, June 11, 2008

DJ - the Miniature Pinscher (MinPin)

Now to introduce you to the rest of my "kids!" This is DJ. She will be 14 years old this September. She is my baby girl! She only weighs about 5 lbs and has lost most of her tan doberman coloring over the years, but she's still my baby! DJ has the greatest, childlike personality I have ever seen in a dog. She wraps her front legs around my leg when I come home; she yips at me and demands I sit down on the couch every once in a while so she can be on my lap. She'll put both front paws on either side of your neck and 'hug' you. Like I said, she's my baby girl! I could go on and on about how much I love this little one, but I won't bore you!

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