Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Boys

Four years ago, a good friend of ours from church came to see us. She had been attending another church for about 6 months, so seeing her on a Sunday was quite a surprise! After the service, she pulled me aside and said she had had a dream about John and me. Her former youth pastor had recently called to share with her that he and his wife were fostering two brothers who were now ready to be adopted. It was then, that we came to her in a dream. She asked, "Didn't you tell me that you were thinking of adopting?" I'm pretty sure that I had never spoken of the subject to her. (But God knew!) Three months later, 12 year old Allen and 10 year old Dustin moved in with us (July 11, 2004). On November 29, 2004, the adoption was official! These are my 2 sons! Allen is on the right, and Dustin is on the left. They have brought alot of joy to our lives. They have both struggled with many issues, and Dustin is still struggling today, but John and I hope to secure for them the best opportunities for happiness and success in their lives.

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