Monday, June 16, 2008

Recital Time

For those of you who know me well, you know that dancing has always been a big part of my life. It's a true passion for me. In fact, as I was reading Rick Warren's "A Purpose Driven Life" a couple of years ago, I came to believe that my purpose on this earth has something to do with dance. I was given a vision back then of what God wants me to do, and I'm slowly working my way toward fulfilling that vision.

Anyway, one of the steps was to get back to teaching dance. I began year before last teaching at a local dance studio. This week is our annual dance recital. My dancers are getting so excited about being on stage in their beautiful costumes, and I'm just as excited about getting to see them showcase all of their hard work from this year. I'm performing one number with my advanced ballet student. I have always wanted to choreograph to the song "Children" by Robert Miles, and this year was the year! We're even doing part of it in sign language. It's an awesome remix version of the song, and I hope the audience hears the message. I quote "If all the children all of the world, were to hold each other's hands, they'd be giving off such a strength, that all the walls of hate, war and racism would fall down!" AMEN!!

It's going to be a busy week. I'll post when I can!
PS: The picture is of my dad and me following last year's recital.

1 comment:

Everything Evelyn said...

Good luck!

If you are able to post video on your blog, I would love to see your ballet routine.
