Once again, I apologize! It's been way too long since I last posted. I've been busy. I know, haven't we all?? Anyway, to update, last week, I went up to Michigan on Thursday to be with my parents. My mom had her gall bladder out early Friday morning. Both my sister, Dana, and I were there to keep my dad company during the surgery. She was in and out of the OR within 45 minutes! They told her she had some of the largest gall stones that had ever seen! Way to go, Mom!! She had to stay only about an hour and a half longer, and then Dad and I took her home. She is doing very well now and is happy she got that over with!
Allen has started drivers ed. He's into his 3rd week of classes now. He's got this week and next week to go. He doesn't start driving until the end of the month, though. He's got 30 hours of classwork, followed by 6 hours of drive time. He's very anxious about driving. I'm scared to death!! I do, however, look forward to a time when Allen will be able to drive himself around. Lately, with his schedule, I feel like that's all I've been doing!!
I visited Dustin about 2 weeks ago, and will be back to see him at the end of this week. He's still struggling with aspects of his bi-polar, and some other behavioral issues as well, but we continue to hope and pray that he will be able to overcome them. Dustin is a wonderful kid with a great sense of humor. We hope to have him home again soon, where he belongs.
I've been busy at the dance studio. I now clock about 12 hours of teaching time, plus administrative time. On Wednesdays, I start teaching at 9am and teach until 1:15. Then I start up again at 3 and teach until 8. My feet are killing me by the end of the day. 95% of my classes on Wednesdays are ballet, which mean I'm in ballet shoes all day. For those of you not familiar with this type of shoe, it's nothing more than a canvas glove on my feet - no support! I'm researching some teaching sandals. I'm loving all the time I spend at the dance studio though! It's been great!
John has also been busy with work. He will be doing some traveling again soon too. North Carolina next week, and Boston in another week or so. Just a week and a half ago he traveled to Wisconsin Dells to outline a building project there. Busy busy!
So, there is an update from the Peters' house. I hope to post again soon with some pictures and more interesting stories!