Monday, July 7, 2008

More Vacation Photos

Here are more pics from our vacation. These were all taken at Ripley's Aquarium in Myrtle Beach, as is the one in the previous post of Allen holding a horseshoe crab. Here we have a chameleon, and a few deep sea creatures that I bet you can name! On the beach below are Allen and John playing catch football, and that's me with one of my closest friends from NC, and her 3 month old son! (Click on a picture to enlarge it.)


Sorry, it's been a while since I last posted. We've been on vacation for a little over a week. It was a much deserved vacation! We first drove down to Myrtle Beach (a 15 hour drive) where we spent the weekend. It has been a year since our last visit to the Carolinas. Ohhhh, it was like coming home! Strange, considering I grew up in the Midwest. I just love the Carolinas though! Anyway, after stopping and visiting friends, we made our way back to Indiana, and then up to Michigan to finish out the week at my parents' cottage. Though the mornings were cool, the days were a beautiful 70-80 degrees throughout the week. It was hard to come home! Reality strikes, though, and here we are, home again. Enjoy the pictures!